“People feel like they belong when leaders create environments where they belong”

Dr. Jason Motes


Individual & Organizational

Leadership and Performance Assessments

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Our Leadership Performance 360 assessment, ‘QuadLead,’ identifies the attributes that will help an individual become a more effective leader. This assessment combines the categories of Leadership Competency and Leadership Character into a very effective and comprehensive tool. It was developed based on the insights and lessons learned from the world's greatest leaders.

Utilizing primary and secondary research, our Leadership Performance 360 assessment reflects the latest in leadership best practices. As with all our tools, this online assessment has been designed with practical business application in mind. The complete set of reports features a "Leadership Performance Index" to provide the overall leadership effectiveness scores as perceived by Self, Boss, Peers, and Direct Reports. The unique "Report Card" feature indicates the leader’s Capabilities and Constraints as perceived by each of these evaluating groups.

Organizational Performance Assessments

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Our Strategic Performance Assessment, titled ‘QuadStrat,’ is a suite of business and organization performance assessments that quickly pinpoints our clients' best opportunities for strategic business improvement. These assessments will clearly illustrate the degree of alignment (or lack thereof) between the senior executives, management, and staff. In addition to providing performance scores for all 35 business disciplines, this tool answers the question: Are the senior managers on the same page, and to what degree are your employees engaged and committed?

The assessment report compares clients' results with those of over 4,000 organizations in our global best practice database. It includes a “Strategic Performance Index” and an overall “Report Card,” which provides clients' overall performance score in relation to the database.

Developed with the support of UCLA and Pepperdine University, our QuadStrat assessments are grounded in fact-based primary and secondary research and designed with practical business application in mind. The underlying framework of these assessments is the Organizational Dynamic Model, which covers 35 business disciplines. These disciplines are tied to three critical areas: Organization Strategy, Organization Design, and Organization Culture.